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中华乳腺病杂志(电子版) ›› 2015, Vol. 09 ›› Issue (05) : 307 -311. doi: 10.3877/cma. j. issn.1674-0807.2015.05.005


林晓丹1,2, 王华珍3,(), 郑婉婷2, 李建文2, 刘雯雯4, 莫美珍4   
  1. 1.515000 汕头大学医学院第一附属医院重症医学科
    2.524001 湛江,广东医学院附属医院乳腺外科
    3.524001 湛江,广东医学院附属医院护理部
    4.524001 湛江,广东医学院附属医院手术室
  • 收稿日期:2015-05-28 出版日期:2015-10-01
  • 通信作者: 王华珍

Influential factors of postoperative drainage time for breast cancer patients

Xiaodan Lin1,2, Huazhen Wang3,(), Wanting Zheng2, Jianwen Li2, Wenwen Liu4, Meizhen Mo4   

  1. 1.Department of Critical Medicine, the First Affiliated Hospital, College of Medicine, Shantou University, Shantou 515000,China
    2.Department of Breast Surgery
    3.Department of Nursery
    4.Department of Operating Room, the Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Medical College, Zhanjiang 524001, China
  • Received:2015-05-28 Published:2015-10-01
  • Corresponding author: Huazhen Wang

林晓丹, 王华珍, 郑婉婷, 李建文, 刘雯雯, 莫美珍. 乳腺癌患者术后置管时间影响因素研究[J/OL]. 中华乳腺病杂志(电子版), 2015, 09(05): 307-311.

Xiaodan Lin, Huazhen Wang, Wanting Zheng, Jianwen Li, Wenwen Liu, Meizhen Mo. Influential factors of postoperative drainage time for breast cancer patients[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Breast Disease(Electronic Edition), 2015, 09(05): 307-311.




采用回顾性研究方法收集2013 年7 月至2014 年9 月在广东医学院附属医院收治病理诊断为乳腺癌、行改良根治术、术中留置引流管的210 例患者的临床病理资料。 分析体质指数、淋巴结肿大数量、肿物数量、高血压、糖尿病、纤维蛋白原、白细胞、红细胞、术前化疗等23 个影响因素对乳腺癌患者术后留置引流管时间的影响。 单因素分析采用t 检验和方差分析,多因素分析采用非条件Logistic 回归分析。


单因素分析结果显示:在不同体质指数、肿块面积、收缩压、凝血时间、纤维蛋白原、白细胞计数、肿物数量、临床分期、皮下积液、上肢淋巴水肿及是否合并糖尿病的患者之间,术后置管时间的差异均有统计学意义(t=-4.659, t=-1.983, F=5.268, t=3.105, F=7.238, t=-2.571, t=2.984, F=8.650, t=-4.506, t=-5.380, t=-2.219; P 均<0.050)。 非条件Logistic 回归分析显示:体质指数、纤维蛋白原、白细胞计数、皮下积液、上肢淋巴水肿与乳腺癌患者术后置管时间有明显的相关性(OR=1.403、0.335、1.262、4.554、9.559,P 均<0.050)。




To investigate the influential factors of postoperative drainage time for breast cancer patients and explore the appropriate treatment and nursing scheme to shorten catheterization time.


We retrospectively analyzed the clinicopathological data of 210 patients pathologically diagnosed with breast cancer who underwent modified radical mastectomy and intraoperative drainage from July 2013 to September 2014 in the Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Medical College. Totally 23 factors including body mass index(BMI), number of lymph nodes, number of tumors, hypertension, diabetes, fibrinogen, white blood cells, red blood cells, preoperative chemotherapy were analyzed to detect their influence on postoperative drainage time in breast cancer patients. Univariate analysis was performed using t test and analysis of variance;multivariate analysis was conducted using Logistic regression.


Univariate analysis showed that postoperative drainage time presented a statistically significant difference in the patients with different body mass index, tumor size,systolic blood pressure,clotting time,fibrinogen,white blood cell count,number of tumors,clinical stage, subcutaneous effusion, lymphedema and diabetic combination (t=-4.659, t=-1.983, F=5.268, t=3.105, F=7.238, t=-2.571, t=2.984, F=8.650, t=-4.506, t=-5.380, t=-2.219; all P<0.050). Logistic regression showed that BMI, fibrinogen, white blood cell count, subcutaneous hydrops and lymphedema were significantly correlated with postoperative drainage time (OR=1.403, 0.335, 1.262, 4.554,9.559,all P<0.050).


The increased BMI and white blood cell count, decreased fibrinogens, and the development of subcutaneous hydrops and lymphedema would increase postoperative drainage time, affecting the adjuvant therapy after modified radical mastectomy of breast cancer.

表1 乳腺癌患者术后置管时间影响因素Logistic回归分析的变量赋值表(n=210)
表2 乳腺癌患者定量资料的一般情况描述(n=210)
表3 乳腺癌患者定性资料的一般情况描述(n=210)
表4 乳腺癌患者术后置管时间影响因素的单因素分析(n=210,)
变量 例数 置管时间(d) 检验值 P
≤40岁 35 9.97±3.39 F=1.068 0.346
41~65岁 154 11.05±4.06
≥66岁 21 11.90±4.46
≤24 162 10.20±3.72 t=-4.659 <0.001
>24 48 13.17±4.35
0 cm2 113 10.43±3.86 t=-1.733 0.085
>0 cm2 97 11.40±4.24
≤4 cm2 111 10.36±4.05 t=-1.983 0.049
>4 cm2 99 11.46±4.00
≤1.4 77 10.81±3.72 F=0.677 0.509
1.5~1.6 69 10.54±4.44
>1.6 64 11.34±4.03
≤120 mmHg 87 9.83±3.86 F=5.268 0.006
121~140 mmHg 78 11.72±4.12
>140 mmHg 45 11.47±3.94
≤75 mmHg 119 11.08±4.30 t=0.829 0.408
>75 mmHg 91 10.62±3.72
<11 s 126 10.68±3.98 t=-0.867 0.387
≥11 s 84 11.18±4.17
<200×109/L 44 11.57±4.58 F=0.991 0.373
(200~300)×109/L 133 10.60±3.85
>300×109/L 33 11.09±4.16
≤45 g/L 106 10.78±4.12 t=-0.352 0.725
>45 g/L 104 10.98±4.01
≤17 s 121 11.61±4.15 t=3.105 0.002
>17 s 89 9.89±3.72
<130 g/L 123 10.87±4.24 t=-0.047 0.963
≥130 g/L 87 10.90±3.81
≤2.50 g/L 60 12.50±4.66 F=7.238 0.001
2.51~3.00 g/L 64 10.49±3.63
>3.00 g/L 86 10.08±3.61
≤4.3×109/L 109 10.83±4.32 t=-0.206 0.837
>4.3×109/L 101 10.94±3.77
≤7×109/L 128 10.31±3.91 t=-2.571 0.011
>7×109/L 82 11.77±4.14
≤1个 192 11.08±4.09 t=2.984 0.007
>1个 18 8.78±3.02
0枚 112 10.51±3.94 t=-1.424 0.156
>0枚 98 11.31±4.17
Ⅰ期 26 9.92±3.44 F=8.650 <0.001
Ⅱ期 140 10.38±3.87
Ⅲ期 44 13.05±4.32
175 10.90±4.02 t=0.129 0.897
35 10.80±4.30
188 10.47±3.81 t=-4.506 <0.001
22 14.41±4.50
193 10.46±3.85 t=-5.380 <0.001
17 15.65±3.33
175 10.61±4.02 t=-2.219 0.028
35 12.26±4.04
202 10.95±4.08 t=1.160 0.247
8 9.25±3.06
表5 乳腺癌患者术后置管时间影响因素的多因素回归分析(n=210)
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